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About Shockwave
& FAQs

What is shockwave used for?

Pain relief and improve function for the following chronic MSK conditions:

•Plantar fasciitis

•Achilles tendinopathy

•Patella tendinopathy

•Lateral & medial epicondylitis

•Calcific / Chronic tendinopathy

•Shoulder pain

•Proximal hamstring tendinopathy


Shockwave & Tendinopathy - Shockwave addresses the stalled healing process by kick starting an inflammatory response and the wider healing process.


How does it work?

Shockwave therapy uses directed low energy sound waves, rather than electrical waves. These waves radiate through the skin and into the affected muscle, joint or tendon, stimulating blood flow to the area. The combined effect is to create a small amount of localised inflammation. Your body reacts naturally to the inflammation and in doing so, stimulates the repair and regeneration of cells around the injury, as well as reducing pain. Shockwave therapy also helps to break down scar tissue, which can help increase mobility.


Is shockwave therapy painful?

Sometimes treatment can be painful, however some pain during treatment illustrates that the shockwaves are having a positive effect. If pain occurs during treatment, adjustments can be made to reduce discomfort.


What shall I do if I am in pain after the treatment?

Do not use anti-inflammatory medication and don’t use ice on the treated areas as both will interfere with the body's self healing abilities.


What if shockwave therapy doesn’t work for me?

If after 3-4 months you do not experience a pronounced improvements , alternative options are available.


Number of session required?
From studies it has been found that 3-5 sessions can see significant improvement with rehab exercises between sessions. (Chronic recalcitrant lesions 6-8 sessions). Treatments to be 5-10days apart for at least the first 3 sessions. 



  • Promote neovascularization at the tendon-bone junction

  • Stimulate proliferation of tenocytes

  • Increase leukocyte infiltration

  • Amplify growth factor and protein synthesis to stimulate collagen synthesis and tissue remodelling

  • Transient analgesic effect on afferent nerves

  • Break down calcific deposit

About Myofascial Dry Cupping

As we age, our body start to degenerate at an increased rate. This breakdown includes loss of muscle, increased numbers of adhesions in fascia and muscle and decrease in blood flow. Through progressive inactivity the blood supply to tissues decreases and the fascia gets knotted and scarred, which further limits movement. The use of dry cupping, like with manual massage therapy, can aid these effects by increasing blood supply to the muscle, fascia and skin and increasing pliability of soft tissue.


How does Cupping Work?

Dry Cupping pulls blood into an area. The tissue becomes saturated with fresh blood while the vacuum pulls stagnant blood out of the area. This is demonstrated by the hickey like appearance that is typically left behind. As new blood is forced into the tissues around the cups, the body will begin to develop new blood vessels called neovascularisation (new blood vessel formation). As the new vessels form, they will have the capability to feed the tissues with nutrient and oxygen.


When the vacuum occurs, it causes separation of the different layers of tissue which can cause micro trauma and tearing. This microtrauma is registered by the body and sterile inflammation is initiated. From this, the body releases white blood cells, platelets, fibroblasts and other chemicals to promote healing.


Does it hurt?
The marks left are not the same as impact bruises. These rarely hurt.


How long will the marks last?
Anything from a few hours to 10 days. More than that is rare but can happen from time to time.


• Increase in circulation to the muscle, fascia and skin, which increases oxygenation and nutrient levels within the soft tissue.
• Increases the removal of chemical irritants within muscle and fascia and the removal of stagnant blood.
• Increases the removal of oedema after injury.
• Cause micro trauma which leads to sterile inflammation and a renewed healing process.

• Produces a stretch reflex in fascia and connective tissue, which increases mobility at the joint.
• Cupping techniques that include active movement stimulate the nervous system and aid in re-educating muscle memory and proprioception.
• Aids in the management of pain, as cupping therapy reduces muscular tension, nerve compression and irritation through the build-up of chemical irritants, whilst increasing range of movement.
• Reduces appearance cellulite and scars.
•Works well in conjunction with other therapy such as sports and remedial massage, joint mobilisations, Dry Needling and more.

About Dry Needling

Dry Needling is an invasive technique, that originates from medical research-based conclusions, with early work dating as far back as the early 1940’s.​
Wider use of Dry Needling started after a study in 1979 by Doctor Karel Lewit, who concluded that it was the ‘needle’ that had a reducing effect on trigger point symptoms and not the injected substance. This led to a developmental change from ‘wet’ to ‘dry’ needling.  




  • Reduction of acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain,

  • Reduce dysfunction and muscular tension,

  • Increase localised blood flow,

  • Increase range of motion,

  • Can be used to treat fascia, muscle tissue, tendon, and ligament injuries.


When used in conjunction with electrical stimulation Dry Needling

can also be used to treat:

  • Tendinopathies,

  • joint pathologies, such as arthritis and disc degeneration,

  • along with neuropathy,

  • post-operative pain and phantom limb pain.


Contact Us

Market Town CrossFit, (Upstairs)
Unit 4 K P C House,
Canterbury Road,
Willesborough, Ashford,
TN24 0BP
Tel: 07914120809

Opening Hours

Mon: 12:00-20:00
Tue: 09:30-19:00

Thur: 09:30-18:00

Fri: 09:30-20:00
Sat: 09:30-16:30

For emergency / out of hours / mobile appointments, please contact me and I'll see what I can do. There may be an additional fee.

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